Tags archives: loccitane

Crazy Little Things I LOve (XIX)

HellO, WOrld!   Chiar daca anotimpul asta imi place cel mai mult, mai ales in zilele insorite, cand as lenevi pe plaja sau langa o piscina, stiu ca este perioada cea mai agresiva pentru piele. Si ca ea trebuie protejata cat mai mult, rasfatata cu produse cu factor de protectie mare sau care ajuta pielea sa isi refaca fermitatea si elasticitatea af[...]

Crazy Little Things I Love (XVI)

HellO, WOrld!   I don't know if it's the global warming or not, but this strange weather worries me a little. A little more. Remember that few weeks ago Sahara were covered in snow? While in Bucharest were 15 degrees Celsius? What is this?! It's not normal. And we must be aware that we have to do something to stop the pollution. Until is not too l[...]

Crazy Little Things I Love (II)

HellO, WOrld!   Yes, it's that moment of the week again, when I show you some of my favourite little things. Guys, beware, those things are addictive! So, check my list: 1. Oudilicious So Delicious "The Love Cologne for Gods", as is presented by Raluca Vasile, the lady that launched Your Personal Aroma Brand, is a mixture of natural fragranc[...]

Crazy Little Things I Love

HellO, WOrld!   Today I will start a new column, where I will post weekly (help me, God), a pic with my favorite little things. So, you will be invited in my small home (I live in a studio, yes. Not in a palace. Not in a villa. Not even in a house. Stau la bloc, asta e). So, I have a very small home which I have to share it now with my crazy littl[...]