Tags archives: the-conran-shop

Crazy Little Things I Love (IX)

HellO, WOrld!   I go crazy everytime when I'm in holiday. We all do. But when I'm in London, I go tottaly nuts! Because they have this amazing place named The Conran Shop. For me, it looks like Heaven on Earth. I could live in that shop. I could sleep in that shop. And of course, I want to buy everything from that hype shop from Marylebone. But I'[...]

In London, everyday is a shopping day

Even is it's Monday. Or Tuesday. Si pentru ca vacantele mele au intotdeauna alocata cel putin o zi pentru shopping, astazi o sa va ofer un tur al magazinelor mele preferate din Londra. Locurile de unde imi achizitionez cele mai dragi amintiri din capitala Regatului Unit. I wear Emilio Ghaman Tshirt, Top Man shorts, Bensimon sne[...]