Hello, Summer Kids!

Azi m-am hotarat sa-mi torn si eu niste apa in cap. Mark Zuckerberg a facut-o, Andreea Marin a facut-o, pana si Lady Gaga si Djokovici au facut asta. Si Ronaldo, si Cabral, si inca niste sute de oameni, mai mult sau mai putin cunoscuti, consumand aiurea zeci de litri de apa, pe care i-ar putea foarte bine trimite in Africa, la copii care mor de sete. OK, nu ma bag, e decizia lor, pana la urma e o campanie umanitara, nu?
Ei bine, pentru ca eu nu vreau sa risipesc apa, m-am gandit ca cel mai bine ar fi sa profit de o fantana arteziana si astfel rezolv ambele probleme. Imi curge o tona de apa in cap, dar nu se pierde nicio picatura.

Stiti cati paznici are fantana cea mare din Piata Unirii? Va spun eu: 3! Care credeti ca au fost sansele mele sa intru in fantana? Zero! Ii felicit pentru vigilenta si profesionalism, insa mie nu mi-a mai ramas alta varianta ca sa termin provocarea, decat sa-mi torn singur apa plata in cap. Din sticla, pentru ca nu aveam nicio galeata la indemana. Evident…doh!

I wear a Murmur takeaway corosive Tshirt (available on Molecule-F), H&M jeans, ALDO shoes & Polaroid sunglasses

Nu stiu daca se poate adauga la seria Ice Bucket Challenge ce am facut eu, dar nu am nicio problema sa repet experienta, daca cineva o sa ma provoace. Si de asta data, pe bune. Dar pana atunci ii invit sa intre in joc pe pe contesa virtuala Ana Mororodan (www.anamorodan.com), pe Dhaniel Nora (Purple Flowers) si pe Mirela Bucovicean (Molecule-F). E chiar funny, mai ales cand afara sunt 38 de grade.

Mai complicat e sa scapi de hainele ude dupa, daca te decizi sa faci asta imbracat. Mai ales cand esti in Piata Unirii si te intrebi daca e de preferat sa te alegi cu o pneumonie si sa stai frumusel cu haienele leoarca pe tine, sau sa renunti macar la tricou, asa cum am facut eu.
Vezi mai sus incercarea mea de semi striptease. #imsexyandiknowit #inmydreams

Ha, uite ca si Mariano di Vaio a intrat ieri in joc, dar el a ales sa accepte provocarea langa o piscina. Stiam eu ca si el e un ecologist. LOL

Pana saptamana viitoare, o sa curga multe alte tone de apa in capul vedetelor, asa ca o sa fie din ce in ce mai distractiv. Cel mai funny moment va fi sigur cel cu Morodan. #contesalaapa  #cantwait!

See you soon!


Campania ALS Ice Bucket isi propune sa stranga fonduri pentru vindecarea unui tip de scleroza foarte grava, care in acest moment nu are tratament. Astfel ca in afara de partea amuzanta, campania vrea sa ii ajute pe cei atinsi de aceasta maladie. Mai multe informatii despre campanie si cum puteti dona bani, puteti citi AICI.

Proiectul Friday is in LOVE with O. e realizat in colaborare cu Molecule F   

Hello, Summer Kids!

Today I decided to pour myself some water on my head. Mark Zuckerberg did it, Andreea Marin did it, even Lady Gaga and Djokovic did this. And Ronaldo, and Cabral, and a few hundred people, more or less known, consuming tens of liters of water, which might be  very well send to the poor African children, dying of thirst. OK, but it’s their decision.
  Anyway, because I do not want to waste water, I thought the best thing would be to do my challenge in a fountain and thus solve both problems. I run a ton of water on the head, but not waste any drop of it.
Well, do you know how many guards have the big fountain in Union Square? I’ll tell you: 3! What do you think are my chances to get into the fountain? Zero! I congratulate their vigilance and professionalism, but I had no nother option to finish the challenge, but to pour my own bottled water on my head. 

I do not know if you can add this to the Ice Bucket Challenge series, but I have no problem to repeat the experience, if someone will challenge me. And this time, for real. But until then I challenge virtual Countess Ana Mororodan (www.anamorodan.com), Dhaniel Nora (Purple Flowers) and Mirela Bucovicean (Molecule-F).  
I told you, guys, it’s really funny, especially when outside are 38 degrees.
Well, the more complicated thing it is to get rid of wet clothes after, if you decide to do this dressed. Especially when you’re in Union Square and wonder if it’s better to you get pneumonia and stay handsome with your clothes soaking on you, or to take your shirt off, as I did.

See above my hilarious striptease attempt. #imsexyandiknowit #inmydreams


Photography:  Serban Gheorghiu 
Hair Style: Robert Both Studio